Sunday, February 26, 2012

“Why  FBI wills shutdown the Internet on March 8..?

     The Internet could go dark for millions of users as early as March 8 because of a virus that has corrupted computers in more than 100 countries. Last year, authorities in Estonia apprehended six men believed responsible for creating a malicious computer script called the DNSChanger Trojan. Once set loose on the Web, the worm corrupted computers in upwards of 100 countries, including an estimated 500,000 in America alone.

      The FBI has shut down the DNSChanger network and put up surrogate servers, they warned the solution was only temporary - and the court-ordered deadline is March 8. When the FBI pinched this group, if they had shut down the rogue DNS servers, everyone that was infected would have instantly been cut off from the Internet so the FBI chose a different strategy. They decided to get a court order allowing them to replace the rogue DNS servers with legitimate stand-ins so that all the infected computers wouldn't get cut off without warning giving them time to get the word out.The FBI has shut down the DNSChanger network and put up surrogate servers, they warned the solution was only temporary - and the court-ordered deadline is March 8. When the FBI pinched this group, if they had shut down the rogue DNS servers, everyone that was infected would have instantly been cut off from the Internet so the FBI chose a different strategy. They decided to get a court order allowing them to replace the rogue DNS servers with legitimate stand-ins so that all the infected computers wouldn't get cut off without warning giving them time to get the word out.

DNSChanger Trojan, Impact and Solutions…………..?

      In this i going to Explain all about DNSChanger Trojan, its Impact on Internet users and the biggest challenge for FBI to resolve it, and How a non technical user can check and Restore its computer, Hope you will share this article with your Friends, Followers and On your Site to aware them about this Serial Internet Killer.

What is DNS (Domain Name System) ?

è It is an Internet service that converts user-friendly domain names into the numerical Internet protocol (IP) addresses that computers use to talk to each other. When you enter a domain name, such as, in your web browser address bar, your computer contacts DNS servers to determine the IP address for the website. Your computer then uses this IP address to locate and connect to the website. DNS servers are operated by your Internet service provider (ISP) and are included in your computer’s network configuration. DNS and DNS Servers are a critical component of your computer’s operating environment without them, you would not be able to access websites, send e-mail, or use any other Internet services.

What is DNSChanger ?
è  A small file about 1.5 kilobytes, DNSChanger is a trojan that will change the infected system's Domain Name Server (DNS) settings, in order to divert traffic to unsolicited, and potentially illegal sites. This Trojan is designed to change the 'NameServer' Registry key value to a custom IP address. This IP address is usually encrypted in the body of a trojan.

When ?
è  The DNSChanger malware was first discovered around 2007, and since this time has infected millions of computers, around 500,000 of them being in the U.S., and through these computers the criminals have reportedly pulled in around $14 million in stolen funds. The FBI has uncovered a network of rogue DNS servers and has taken steps to disable it.The FBI is also undertaking an effort to identify and notify victims who have been impacted by the DNSChanger malware.

Who are infected and Technical Info? 

è Both Windows and MacOS users are at risk for this infection because it exploits your browser, not your operating system.Here are some known hostile IP address pairs used by the DNS Changer malware: - - - - - -

Why its not easy Remove this Trojan ? 
è One consequence of disabling the rogue DNS network is that victims who rely on the rogue DNS network for DNS service could lose access to DNS services, So This Process will start on March 8 by FBI.

Why 8th  March 2012 ?
è  After the take down of the DNSChange Botnet, in November 2011, the FBI obtained a court order allowing the FBI to set up a temporary DNSChanger Command & Control network. The court order expires on March 8th, 2012. Unless the FBI obtains a new court order allowing them to continue operating the temporary network, the network will be turned off. Resulting in millions of computers, world-wide, no longer being able to access the Internet.

How to check manually that your System is Infected or Not ?
è  The best way to determine if your computer has been affected by DNSChanger is to have them evaluated by a computer professional. 

      Avira cooperated also with the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and published the tool also on the special website created to check if the DNS requests are made to the right Besides the website, users can also OK DNS, the DNS-repair tool from the Avira website to download here.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

“ How Hackers can Track your Mobile phone with a cheap setup?


   Cellular phones have become a ubiquitous means of communications with over 5 billion user’s worldwide in2010, of which 80% are GSM subscribers. Due to their use of the wireless medium and their mobile nature, those phones listen to broadcast communications that could reveal their physical location to a passive adversary.

      University of Minnesota researchers found a flaw in AT&T and T-Mobile cell towers that reveals the location of phone users. The attack, described in a Research paper (Click to Download Pdf), is most useful for determining whether a target is within a given geographic area as large as about 100 square kms or as small as one square kilometer. It can also be used to pinpoint a target's location but only when the attacker already knows the city, or part of a city, the person is in.
         PhD. student Denis Foo Kune says, Cell phone towers have to track cell phone subscribers to provide service efficiently. For example, an incoming voice call requires the network to locate that device so it can allocate the appropriate resources to handle the call. Your cell phone network has to at least loosely track your phone within large regions in order to make it easy to find it“.
         The messages contain I.D. codes. In order to match the codes to the cell phone number, researchers called the phone three times. The code that appeared three times in the same time period in which researchers were listening in is most likely the code of the cell phone.“From there we can use that I.D. to determine if you’re around a certain area or if you’re on a particular cell tower,” he said.
     The process requires a feature cellphone and a laptop, running the open-source Osmocom GSM firmware and software respectively, along with a cable connecting the two devices. It also uses a separate cellphone and land-line.
      The attackers use the landline to call the target's cellphone when it's located near the same LAC as the equipment and use the laptop output to monitor the broadcasts that immediately follow over the airwaves to page the target phone.
    The implications of this research highlight possible personal safety issues. The group explains their work in a recently presented at the 19th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium and was titled “Location Leaks on the GSM Air Interface”. The group has also contacted AT&T and Nokia with some low-cost options that could be implemented without changing the hardware.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

"How To  Disable Facebook Time line And Get Old Profile".


Facebook is one of famous community and favorite site. Everyone knows how to make timeline or cover picture for His/Her profile. Today I will show you that how can you remove or  disable Facebook timeline and backup your old profile look . if you have activated facebook timeline and now you want to remove facebook timeline and get old profile back then just follow the give below steps for do this.

1. First you login in your Facebook account then go to Facebook Developers Page .

2. Now Click On Edit App.

3. After Clicking On Edit App You Will Get Option Of Delete App Now Click

 On Delete App.

4. Now Facebook Will Ask To Confirm That You Want To Delete The App.

5. After Click on Confirm You Will Get Confirmation Message That App Has Been Deleted.

  Now Your Facebook Timeline Will Be Disabled And You Will Get Your Old Facebook Profile.

i think you will enjoy our  tricks.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

10--Facebook  Safety Tips How to Protect Yourself.


Whether you are new to Facebook or a long time user, you should be diligent in protecting yourself, your family, and your friends while using Facebook. Here are 10 tips to keep your Facebook experience both enjoyable and safe.

1. Do not place your personal information on your Facebook profile.        
   Items such as your residential address, your phone number, your cell phone number, your date of birth will all become very public information instantly and it will come back to haunt you in many ways. Check your profile constantly to ensure that you are not displaying personal information. The risk of identity theft or being tracked down by others is too great. If your friend really needs your contact information, then have them give you a call or send a private email outside of Facebook. Nothing is scarier than your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend calling you out of the blue or finding out that a new credit card was taken out in your name on the other side of the country by an ex-con.
2. Be careful when placing photographs of you or your children on Facebook.
     Please ensure that you have all your privacy settings set to maximum. There was a reported instance of a family photo being “snapped up” and used for commercial purposes. One family was surprised to find their Facebook family photo on a billboard in Europe.

3. Do not ever think that your Facebook page is private amongst only your friends and family. 
     Job interviewers, lawyers, investigators, the police, and the entire world will be searching for information on your Facebook site at some point. Most people will need a lawyer whether it is for a divorce, a speeding ticket, a personal injury lawsuit or a work-related injury. I have personally seen instances where parties to a lawsuit and witnesses have posted items on their Facebook site which was subsequently used later in a job interview or a deposition or even in court. Do not think for one second that anything you post will ever be kept private. Your whole life is up for dissection and a simple Google search on your name will pull up your Facebook profile. Try it.

4. Do not accept all Friend Requests. 

Of course the purpose of Facebook is to socially connect with people you know. However, not every Friend Request is legitimate. There have been reported instances of private investigators, police officers, sex offenders and the like creating fake accounts to gain access to you online. If you do not know the person, then do not add them to your accepted friends. Again, as soon as they gain access, they will be searching your personal information, your postings, and viewing all of your photos. Keep your list of accepted friends and family close as you would in the non-digital world. The cute guy or girl that emails a Friend Request to you may just be the private investigator that has been hired to dig up dirt on you.

5. Be sure to keep your house clean. 
     Most people who use Facebook, including myself, have run into the situation where their Facebook is clean and professional. Only then have a friend or family member post a photo of you in a bar when you were in college, or smoking when you were not supposed, or running down the street with the stolen street sign when you were in high school. These scenarios are often not done to harm you but they can be quite damaging to your professional and personal life. Be sure to monitor and clean your house for these skeletons in your closet. Notify any friends or family members immediately when an item is posted to take it down.

6. Be sure to watch what you place on your Wall. 
     The Wall is exactly that, a wall such as the bulletin board at work or in school. When you make postings to your wall, the post is placed prominently on your Facebook site and also copied to all your friends and family as an update of what you are doing. It is the equivalent of hitting the Reply All in an email. Do not place postings regarding your late night out or your latest fling unless you want your friends, coworkers, and family to know of your escapades. If you really need to detail your latest rant against your boss or how you acted during the football game last week, do it in a private email outside of Facebook. There are now Web sites designed to post embarrassing Wall postings. Do not be the person that millions of Internet users are now laughing at.

7. Do not leave your computer on with your Facebook account open.
    Leaving access to your Facebook account is the equivalent of leaving your wallet or cell phone in public on the picnic table. Anyone can sit down and start making posts to your Wall, redesigning your site, or even entice friends to play the greatest prank on you in your life. Be sure to sign out.

8. Be sure to have virus software for your computer and keep it updated.
    There are several viruses out there that attack your email address library. The viruses then send out posts to everyone in your library asking them to become your friend in Facebook while giving them the same virus. This has happened to several prominent attorneys I know and there is no stopping it once it has begun.

9. Spend time checking your spelling and grammar.
    We are all busy people with busy lives. However, not checking your spelling and grammar on your postings in Facebook can lead to several unwanted consequences. First, you can mistakenly type a word that is offensive or leads to a direct contradiction in your intended message. Checking spelling on the front end when posting can save you hours of time in trying to correct a mistake that offends your employer, significant others or your family.

10. Be careful not to provide too much information.
     Facebook is intended to be a social network. However, you do not need to go into every detail about your wisdom tooth being pulled or how your latest hot date ended. People do like details but only in an appropriate environment. If you feel the need to share then do it in person or over the phone. This also includes your family and friends. You may feel the need to speak about your friend’s latest date or their ongoing medical treatment but they may not want this information known to the world. They may have gone at great lengths to keep their medical treatment private and there is nothing worse than a non-family member knowing more than the immediate family members. Respect their privacy and you will be better for it.

"  Paying attention and following these 10 tips will ensure your experience with Facebook will be positive and safe  ". 
