Wednesday, March 07, 2012


**Computer Lab Funs**


How to have some LOL funs in Computer Lab ?
Every one in college/schools/office have computer over there :: u can play pranks on ur friends and laugh out loudly
Now how to play tricks and pranks
Heres' the SECRET
There is a software name call ANGRY IP SCANNER

To download ANGRY IP SCANNER => 
Click on me :)

Now what to do 

 Sit down at the last computer in computer lab :: as we all know that all computers 
are connected to each other with the help of hub or LAN wire  :: 

Now install angry ip scanner at the last computer u r sitting 

Open ur cmd (command prompt) type ipconfig and get ur computer's ip so that u
 may not shutdown ur computer.

Angry ip Scanner looks like this

When scanner is instal :: run the angry ip scanner u will 

get all the ips of the computer 

 :: select all the ip (except the computer u r sitting) and 

give the command 

 shutdown from the command option given in menu :: 

and vollaaaa all the

 computer vl shutdown :: and every one think y the 

computer turned off .


Make a shutdown bactch file command

Or download the shutdown batch file command => 
Click on me :) 

After making or downloading the file :: put this file in the startup folder 

navigate to startup folder => C:/programdata/microsoft/windows start 


Now when ever someone open this computer this file will be activated and

 computer will shutdown ::

Now open run window (window key + R ) 
Type this command 
shutdown -s -t 15 -c "You are buffalo" Or what ever u

 want this command is 
shutdown computer after 15 secand to shutdown

 computer at a particular time 
here is the command at 11:45 AM or PM shutdown -s -t 00 now what this command 
does is this shutdown computer at particular time ::: so

 if someone is working on that 
computer and when this time comes the computer will

 shutdown and person will 
think for a while what had happen :: y the computer shutdown.. J
****How to shutdown computer at a particular time****

when we go some where or any urgent works comes we stop 

our downloading or stop our computer and work is incomplete becoz 

we have to stop in between :: here you can allot a time in your system 

afterthe work or download is complete  the computer will shutdown at 

that particular time ::

Heres' the secret ::

in windows 7 

click start => all programs 

go to accessories

then in system tools

click on task schedular 

=>>> here is the procedure 

click on Creat Basic task :: a window will open 

in name = type - shutdown my computer 

click next and select the tasK when you want to start :: its of your choice

select the time when to start and the date too

click next 

again click next

in program inputbox type shutdown 

and in add argument type -s -f -t 20 or alot a time you wish but in seconds i allotted 20 seconds

the work is done click finish 

and see the magic

** In window XP or less versions **

open run command (window key + r)

type in there 

at <the time you want to shut the computer follwed by AM or PM> shutdown -s -f -t 00

for example 

for Am ::

at 09:40AM shutdown -s -f -t 00

for PM

at 09:40PM shutdown -s -f -t 00

Here is the video tutorial => Click on meJ